What we do

EU-China link

Since the end of the EU-funded ORIENTplus project in 2014, the pan-European networking organisation GÉANT and its Chinese counterpart CERNET (China Education and Research Network) have continued to provide direct internet connectivity between Europe and China. Today they jointly operate a 10Gbps link between Beijing and London, giving the research and education (R&E) communities of Europe and China high-capacity internet access for data-intensive scientific and academic collaborations.
Chinese sites connected to the network of CSTNET (China Science and Technology Network) also benefit from the high-speed connectivity.

EU-China NREN community initiative

The legacy of the ORIENTplus project goes beyond continuing to provide connectivity.
At TNC16 in Prague, representatives of the European and Chinese National Research and Education Network (NREN) communities came together with the clear intention to also effectively promote the link, raise awareness of its benefits among existing and prospective users and cooperate on technical activities.
It is this spirit of collaboration which drives the EU-China NREN community initiative and finds its visible output in this website.

Building on a strong brand

Although the ORIENTplus project has now successfully completed, GÉANT, CERNET and CSTNET can build on its achievements and its strong brand which will be retained for continued joint activities.



        Attendees at the TNC16 EU-China BoF in Prague